Archive | April 2012

#98 The Sound of Music

So I found a little trick to writing my blogs so that they are actually, well good. Music. I found out that if I am listening to music I actually am typing in beat with the music and I usually listen to fast paced songs. I also realized that the music fuels my emotions so I dedicated one of the things on my little list of small things that makes life that much sweeter is the sound of music.
First off, I have never heard of a person who hates music. I think it may be possible but I have my doubts. The thing about music is that it can trigger a memory, or help you express inner rage, or just so many other things. Music is so amazing to me. what is your favorite singer or band? My ranges between Paramore and Billy Joel. It’s a weird combination, trust me I know, but they kind of balance each other out.

Life Moves Too Fast, It’s Just That Simple.

Life just moves way too fast for us to stand there and have it whisk past us. Don’t get drowned in alternate realities and just step into this reality and live it. Living within this reality allows us to see the truth no matter how much it hurts. This reminds me of a song called “Brick by Boring Brick,” by Paramore. The meaning (to me) I think is about someone who lives in their dreams that obscures real life and I think this song also means that if you do that you might dig a deep enough hole that you won’t be able to get yourself out of your dreams. It’s a pretty awesome song, you should check it out! But getting back onto my topic, you never know what might happen within the next year, month, week, day, and so on all down to a tick of the universe (smallest unit of time). So why can’t we just be kind to each other. Life is so rough as it is and it doesn’t help when we have groups that alienate themselves from other groups. Why not just be kind. Plato made a statement similar to this but I cannot exactly remember it right now but I think he might have said something along the lines to be kind to everyone you meet, for they might be facing a great challenge. Life just moves way too fast. I find myself still wishing I spent more time with my grandpa before he committed suicide. I feel as if I didn’t cherish the moments I had with him and every time the anniversary of his death comes around I find my self full of regret and sadness. I wish I had spent more time with him, I really do.

#99 A Moment of Quiet

You know those days where your name seems to be on everyone’s mind.  Every other minute you might hear it,  or you just might be busy with a list of duties you still have to do.  What happens after  everything has settled?  A moment of quiet.  It is wonderful.  You hear silence except for the hum of a lamp next to you, or the wind blowing up against the window.  A moment of quiet is the best.