Archive | February 2012

Well, Be The One That Stands Out…

Be the one that stands out no matter how much it hurts, no matter how many people want to strike you down.  Fight for what you want and if anyone tells you differently move past them and look forward.  I am honestly tired of seeing others dreams being crushed because someone sees one flaw, why can’t people just embrace what the other wants and support them?  It is sickening.  Stand out, prove those people wrong.  

So, there is my little rant.  Now, some of you may be wondering what ignited this rant, but I was told today by one of my friends that I probably won’t make it as a veterinarian because that is a challenging field to go into.  I have the determination though, I will make it.  I want to help make a difference in an animal’s life.   I will be the one who stands out.  Oh, and to my fellow readers, if someone tells you you cannot achieve your dream then tell them thank you for your opinion but I will make it.  No matter what.


The other day I heard this:

“Don’t worry about yesterday, or tomorrow, just live for today.”

What a wonderful saying huh?  It just made me think that life goes by too quickly, things such as a hug can brighten anyones day and that what makes us slow down in our hectic lives.  Those moments that we slow down for make our life worth living and remember the smallest amount of kindness can make the biggest impact on someone’s life.  That act of kindness can actually save someone’s life.  Recently our school did this program called Rachel’s Challenge.  Rachel’s Challenge was formed after the Columbine school shootings and Rachel was the first victim in these shootings.  The reason why Rachel was important because that day she turned in an essay on how you are able to start a chain reaction of kindness and compassion.  Rachel’s Challenge challenged me and all the other student body that we should reach out to each other, and above all do not stereotype.  Stereotyping is what points out our differences and what causes horrible things to happen, such as suicide.  (If you would like more information on Rachel’s Challenge go to this site:

As you may know the teen TV series, Glee, ran an episode that involved a variety of things that can affect a teenager’s life.  In that episode it involved bullying (Which they do show constantly), teen texting and driving, and teen suicide.  Just watch for symptoms, it might be better for everyone.


So, I was listening to Pandora Radio to my Fireflight radio and I came across this song, I love how the music flows together. The band is Superchic and the song is called Suddenly. You should check it out sometime, or if you want something with a little less rock try Sleep Away by Bob Acri.

Why not!

Time seems to be passing by slowly and I feel that life has become monotonous and somehow mesmerizing at the same time.  This to me is a complexing conundrum.  This conundrum should be resolved shouldn’t it?


Oh well, onto the next subject which will be technology.  Technology is taking over the world, literally!  Whenever you go out to eat, look at the surrounding tables,  families are talking less and less and the phones are coming out even more.  I see families not even talking anymore!  I thought dinner was a time where families could talk to each other about their day, not sit and text other friends or play games on their phone.  This is just appalling.  Also, there is more of a lack of trying to have dinner together.  At school I hear that many kids don’t even eat dinner with their families anymore.  I realized that some families before did this but it has increased so much.  Just look at some of these statistics:

According to NY Times, kids have the possibility of spending at least 2.5 hours with their parents on weekdays and that increases to 4 hours on weekends.  These kids have an increased chance of becoming addicted to drugs or to become and alcoholic.  Then, according to that the younger a child gets a phone the more they will recede from family time.

Wow, right?  See what I mean by technology is taking over and how that when technology takes over families don’t eat together as often.


Now onto our final subject, why not!  When I say why not I mean why not  rise above the status quo?  Everyone is equal therefore everyone should be treated as equal.  Don’t follow stereotypes that society has created, it isn’t even worth it.  Just think about it this way, if everyone followed stereotypes where would our world be?  Would we be separated by race, or religion, or any other “dividing” differences?  What type of world would that be?  It would be truly horrible wouldn’t it?  So why not go past what divides us all and embrace those differences.

How Would You Want to be Remembered?

We all live on this Earth and we should cherish all the time we spend here.  It doesn’t matter what happens to us, what matters is how we would like to be remembered.  Things such as a teacher might be remembered for telling a student of theirs never to give up on graduating, even though their grades are bad, the student may strive to be better after this.  I know my mom who is a teacher, well she gets past students going up to her every day and they tell her what they have become and how she inspired them.  That to me is inspiring.  I may not want to follow in her footsteps to become a teacher, but I still want that satisfaction of knowing that I made a difference in someone else’s life.  That is what makes the travel through time worth it.  You know, someone asked me how I would like to be remembered today and I didn’t have an answer.  If someone were to ask you right now, what would you say?  So as an answer to that maybe you could write a comment in the comments section below, that would be truly awesome.

Look for the Good Things in Life

These statistics are just a little reminder as to how lucky we are.  We have access to the internet and clean water when all around the world kids are not able to have access to cool, refreshing, clean water.  This is just sad, but there are corporations working hard to help supply water to people like this.  Then after hearing this we can reflect on our own lives which in retrospect is pretty… well awesome.  We don’t have to worry about whether our water is clean or whether or not we will get our dinner tonight.  Our lives are pretty good, so we should be thankful for what we have.

The Wisdom Of Dr. Seuss!…

The Wisdom Of Dr. Seuss!

“We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”

-Dr. Seuss


We all travel through time, one second at a time.  Everyone spends those precious seconds differently though.  One might spend all his or her time pondering what the meaning of life is, or goofing off every chance that they get.  My point is, is that it doesn’t matter how you spend you time on the Earth.  What matters is what you can contribute to others.  Make and impact on one another.  Strive for greatness.  These goals may be far-fetched but trying to reach the impossible is always possible!  I dare you, my fellow readers, to go beyond the benefit of the doubt and strive for all that is good, whether it is holding the door open for someone, something is better than nothing and always keep that in the back of your mind.

I just have three simple rules that I follow:

1.  If you see someone struggling, offer a hand.  Any amount of kindness will brighten someone’s day.

2.  Look ahead, don’t look into the past, your future is bright and make sure it stays that way.  Don’t let any amount or rudeness to push you down, just simply look away and keep looking towards your goal.

3.  Look for the best within people.  Don’t always judge based on first appearances they could be deceiving.